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Monthly Archives: August 2015

Breeding guppies in 7 easy steps

Once you’ve got all of the equipment you need to begin breeding guppies, the fun begins! Choosing your first adult guppies that will be the beginning of your line is a process that can take some time. A vital part of breeding guppies is selecting good quality founding fish, in order to ensure that your […]

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孔雀鱼,又称孔雀花鳉、虹鳉、我国东北部分地区称之为“凤尾鱼”、“火炬”,是鳉亚目,花鳉科,花鳉属的一种热带鱼,饲养难度较低。原产于南美洲的委内瑞拉,巴巴多斯,巴西北部与圭亚那,作为观赏鱼引入新加坡、中国、日本、韩国、美国以及众多欧洲国家(比如俄罗斯、德国等)。 孔雀鱼体色绚烂多彩、体型优美自然,深受人们喜爱。孔雀鱼分布于部分热带地区的河川下游,其野生栖息地呈现多样化,主要栖息于淡水流域及湖沼。孔雀鱼繁殖能力很强,能耐受污染水域,有“百万鱼”的美称。孔雀鱼性情温和,能与温和的中小性型热带鱼混养,平时活泼好动,寿命约1~2年。纯种孔雀鱼分成五大品系——草尾、蛇纹、马赛克、礼服、白金以及众多独立的表现型——日本蓝、米卡立夫、拉朱利等。孔雀鱼是杂食性小型鱼种,成鱼体长3~5厘米,由于孔雀鱼对环境的适应能力十分强大,目前全世界几乎随处都能见到它的芳踪。它丰富的色彩、多姿的形状和旺盛的繁殖力,倍受热带淡水鱼饲养族的青睐。 中文学名 孔雀鱼 拉丁学名 Poecilia reticulata 别    称 凤尾鱼、彩虹鱼、百万鱼、库比鱼 二名法 Peters,1859 分布区域 委内瑞拉、圭亚那、西印度群岛等地的江河流域 饲养水温 22.2℃至27.8℃ pH 7至7.5的弱碱性水 食物 红线虫、水蚤、丰年虾、人工饵料 性情 性情温和,可与小型鱼混养 英文名称 guppy source :

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Various Guppy Tail Forms

There are many different guppy tail forms and the most common of which is the Delta Tail. Though in Singapore, the other tail forms like Double Sword, Swallow, Ribbon and Lyre Tail are equally popular, but Delta still the main favourite of all. Below shows the various guppy tail forms which is also compiled as […]

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Guppy Facts! Amazing facts about guppies

We love fascinating guppy facts here at GuppyFishCare – and there really are some incredible facts about guppies! So read on for our top 10 guppy facts… Guppy Fact #1: Guppies are named after the man who discovered them The guppy is named after Robert John Lechmere Guppy! Mr Guppy was credited with discovering the […]

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Common Fish Diseases

Common Fish Diseases Below is a list of the most common fish diseases in freshwater aquariums. Columnaris Grayish white marks or patches on the body of the fish or around its mouth are the first obvious signs of Columnaris. These patches appear like threads, especially in the vicinity of the mouth. Hence, this is often […]

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